
A few months back I opened a new business checking account. The nice lady that helped me was about 60, white and reminded me of Clair Edwards, the character on the old Andy Griffith show. I suppose because I am white, living in Georgia and opening a business checking account she assumed I was a Republican.

While she was taking my info the conversation drifted into politics. She said; “do you know (referring to Obama) his middle name is Hussein?” “What about that,” I said. A few minutes later she said; “do you know he doesn’t even know the Pledge of Allegiance?” “That is really something,” I replied. After taking more personal info she stopped, I just got to show you this. Opening her lower desk drawer she pulled out a little stuffed monkey. “Isn’t that the cutest thing”, she said. “I’ve named him Barack.”

In January, I had a conversation with a friend who is a member of the clergy. We got into politics for a minute. He was going Democratic this year:

(Friend) I think it’s time to shake Washington up, I’m voting for Clinton.

A few weeks ago, I had a chance to talk with him again:

(Me) Still voting Democratic this year?

(Friend) NO, I’m voting for McCain.

(Me) What is wrong with Obama?

(Friend) Obama is pro-abortion and I can’t support that.

(Me) Clinton was pro-abortion too.

(Friend) I’ll be honest Obama will turn it into a black thing.

(Me) What is a black thing?

(Friend) You know how they are; the blacks will go all apes on us.

(Me) What do you mean?

(Friend) Don’t play dumb with me, you know what I am talking about, blacks can’t handle any limelight. They’ll start all that shuck and jive stuff.

Now, I could have confronted these people as being racist. More than likely that would have offended them. I call these people the ignorant racist; they are ignorant about racism. Most of them would be the first to tell you they are not racist, they have black friends and they would never discriminate against a black person. However, I’m sure the lady in the bank would never show her stuffed monkey to a black client. Just like my friend would never make comments like his to a black person.

In 1962, the good voters of Alabama voted the white racist George C. Wallace into the Governor’s office. He won in a landside and carried the white Christian vote by large numbers. Lester Maddox became Governor of Georgia in 1966. His only fame to claim was chasing black patrons out of his restaurant with a pistol. He vowed to never serve a black person in his restaurant and sold it to keep his promise. In 1964, Barry Goldwater won the vote in the south because he campaigned against Johnson’s Civil Rights Acts.

Surely this must be the south of the past, right? Nope. The voters of NC continued to vote the white racist Jessie Helms into the Senate. Helms was seen as a great Conservative Icon. Helms filibustered the King Holiday, sung Dixie to the first black female Senator, and said he would continue doing so until she cried. On the Larry King show a caller from Alabama thanked him for keeping the “niggers” down, Helms said Thank you.

In 2002, a political unknown Sonny Perdue ran on the Republican ticket for Governor of Georgia. Sonny’s selling point was to put the Confederate Battle Cross back on the State Flag. It was placed on the flag a couple of decades before during the white supremacy movement. Perdue won in an upset victory and became the first Republican Governor of Georgia since the Civil War. Although the state assembly tied his hands on the Battle Cross he out maneuvered them and placed the national flag of the Confederacy, the Stars & Bars on the state flag, which now embarrassingly flies over the state today.

“The centrality of race – and, in particular, of the switch of Southern whites from overwhelming support of Democrats to overwhelming support of Republicans – is obvious from voting data. . .More than 40 years have passed since the Voting Rights Act, which Reagan described in 1980 as “humiliating to the South.” Yet Southern white voting behavior remains distinctive. Democrats decisively won the popular vote in last year’s House elections, but Southern whites voted Republican by almost two to one. . .The G.O.P.’s own leaders admit that the great Southern white shift was the result of a deliberate political strategy. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization.” So declared Ken Mehlman, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, speaking in 2005. . .”

“. . .And Ronald Reagan was among the “some” who tried to benefit from racial polarization. . .”

“. . .Reagan paralleled Nixon’s success in constructing a politics and a strategy of governing that attacked policies targeted toward blacks and other minorities without reference to race – a conservative politics that had the effect of polarizing the electorate along racial lines. . .”

“Thus, Reagan repeatedly told the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen – a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud. He never mentioned the woman’s race, but he didn’t have to.”

“There are many other examples of Reagan’s tacit race-baiting in the historical record. My colleague Bob Herbert described some of these examples in a recent column. Here’s one he didn’t mention: During the 1976 campaign Reagan often talked about how upset workers must be to see an able-bodied man using food stamps at the grocery store. In the South – but not in the North – the food-stamp user became a “strapping young buck” buying T-bone steaks. . .”

“Now, about the Philadelphia story: in December 1979 the Republican national committeeman from Mississippi wrote a letter urging that the party’s nominee speak at the Neshoba Country Fair, just outside the town where three civil rights workers had been murdered in 1964. It would, he wrote, help win over “George Wallace inclined voters.”

“Sure enough, Reagan appeared, and declared his support for states’ rights – which everyone took to be a coded declaration of support for segregationist sentiments.”

And because conservative ascendancy has depended so crucially on the racial backlash – a close look at voting data shows that religion and “values” issues have been far less important – I believe that the declining power of that backlash changes everything.”




Flags today in tribute wave

For those loyal ones who gave

Of their youth, their hopes. their might

For a cause they knew was right.


Morning bells sound their call.

Pause and say a prayer for all~

All who served valiantly

That men might be ever free.

Taps from quiet Arlington

Echo again.

Ever keep in memory

Peace-loving men,

Who, hating tyranny,

Struggled that liberty

Should for all time be

Won for every land.

Once again the challenge came,

And the answer was the same.

Eager hearts have made it clear

We would guard what we hold dear.

Toll of bells, drums’ slow beat-

Silence falls in every street.

In each heart swells the plea:

Keep us safe, but keep us free! 

~Kate Englehardt Clark~

This Says It All!


DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.


I don’t know what this means but it is a start.


Palin Gets Punked

This is funny . . .


I prefer mercy for my child she told me.  I can’t stand to think of him suffering in pain.  He would have to have surgery right after birth.  Still, he would die within a matter of a few days or hours.  What kind of life would that be?  So, I drove a wife & husband (friends of mine) to and from an abortion clinic.  It was an emotional rollercoaster ride for me and them.  They both were crying to and from the procedure.  Their unborn child suffered from multiple severe deformities.  The doctors told them the chances of their child living longer than 72 hours after birth were zero.

Coincidentally, this same clinic in Sandy Springs, Georgia was the one bombed by Eric Rudolph.  This was my first abortion to be involved with.  I have personal knowledge of another one.  The young lady’s boyfriend was murdered.  She found out shortly after his death that she was pregnant with his child.  Tragically, she learned after a prolonged hospital stay that her unborn was making her sick.  She was advised to abort. 

She was already the single parent of a 3 and 5 year old.  She had to make a soul-searching decision about taking her chances and possibly dying.  This would leave her 3 and 5 year motherless and parentless.  So she decided to live and care for the two children, which were already in the world.  There are many gut wrenching decisions that are made everyday regarding this issue.

At one time in my life I held a very negative view about abortion.  I now see it in a different light.  So, I am pro-choice and believe that it should be a medical option available to women.  I no longer stand in self-righteous condemnation of women who have abortions.  People must make all types of heart wrenching decisions in their life about themselves and loved ones.  Whether, to pull the plug on a loved one that is in a vegetative state or to terminate an unborn child.  These are personal private decisions.

Both pro/con statements are welcome.

How Sweet It Is!

Last Year’s Big Five Wall Street Bonuses

September 22, 2008 7:12 AM

As the Bush Administration asks for close to a trillion dollars to prevent a worldwide financial cataclysm, here are some numbers you might find interesting — courtesy of the ABC News Research Center and ABC News’ Barbara Paulson.

In 2007, Wall Street’s five biggest firms — Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley — paid a record $39 billion in bonuses to themselves.

That’s $10 billion more than the $29 billion loan taxpayers are making to J.P. Morgan to save Bear Stearns.

Those 2007 bonuses were paid, even though the shareholders in those firms last year collectively lost about $74 billion in stock declines — their worst year since 2002.

If split equally among the approximately 186,000 workers at the former Big Five Houses, that bonus money means an average of $201,500 per person — more than four times the $48,201 median household income in the U.S. last year.

They should be tried for treason! Those rich fat-cats have been draining the markets for years. The common people in the US are sick to death of it! Yes, we better not dare help a poor person with our tax money. That would be Socialistic. Instead, our tax dollars needs to go to the rich. So, they can spend $440,000 on a weekend retreat. Republicans are all about welfare for the wealthy. Can you say Government cheese money for the rich? As Jackie Gleason said: “How Sweet It Is.”